Sunday, October 14, 2012

Zombie Nails!

I'm Baaaaack!

It's been a while since I did a nail art. Been busy and pre-occupied with a lot of things lately. New work concept to learn, changes that needs to be accepted and priorities that needs to be sorted. 

Despite all the whirl-wind emotions that I have been through this past month, one thing remains the same... That the "walking dead" is keeping me excited. hahaha..

So my nail art for today is Zombie- inspired! :)

Sorry I wasn't able to make a step by step guide for this one, but you can always check out the video version. 

Have a nice day everyone.

Spread the Good Vibes, 
-- M

1 comment:

  1. I love it! very artistic:) I hope you can visit mine as well dearie:) do you have a blog lovin account?? I'll follow u there if you want too:)) thankyou.. ♥
